N. Sairam Garu || Email: sridatta50@gmail.com. Please visit our spdss.org website for more articles.

Our website is very young as it was launched at the end of July 2013 and we have to go a long way for which we seek your support in the form of suggestions and guidance. We have some interesting topics related to the spiritual science.

Our objective is to bring together the wisdom of our ancients with modern science.

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel - Spiritual Rainbow for more audio/video files: here

Monday, 30 April 2018

Indigo Children-04

Indigo Children-04

In this episode enjoy kids story about Varun, narrated by Smt. Lalitha's daughter Chiranjeevi Gayatri.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1h5hfIThXFgkrRPFef-yIR502bqqL8Dr_Indigo Children - Part-4 - Chiranjeevi Gayatri - Varun's story

Friday, 27 April 2018

Indigo Children-03

Indigo Children-03

In this episode enjoy kids story about Madan and Kartheek, narrated by Smt. Lalitha's daughter Chiranjeevi Gayatri.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=13vTp55-aFbfOS9UbWIAMe6UWlUL3qTzhIndigo Children - Part-3 - Chiranjeevi Gayatri - Madan and Kartheek story

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Indigo Children-01

Indigo Children-01

      We are happy to announce a new series about Indigo Children. 
In each episode you will listen to various kids and their talents.

In this episode a story is narrated by our youngest light-worker and Smt. Lalitha's daughter Chiranjeevi Bhargavi in her cute voice. 

Enjoy this new series in upcoming weeks by various kids.

Indigo Children - Part-1 by Chiranjeevi BhargaviIndigo Children - Part-1 by Chiranjeevi Bhargavi