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Friday, 11 September 2015

Post analysis of Quantum Onion.

After narrating the story of the Quantum Onion, Maharshi with a resplendent smile looked at me and said, “Lahiri, make a post analysis for the benefit of those people, who could not understand the deeper meaning of this story.” His radiant form disappeared slowly with these parting words. I was indeed surprised and was happy after listening to the story of the Onions. The enlightened Seer  explained such a complex matter in a simple way.  But yet, I do want to elucidate the deeper meaning of the story for the benefit of those who did not comprehend the essence of it. 

Most of the human beings, who are still in the 3rd dimension, never try to evolve spiritually. For them, the purpose of life is earning money and to enjoy all the materialistic pleasures and luxuries of this world like possessing beautiful houses, farm houses, having wet parties regularly  engrossing in sensual pleasures etc.,. But outwardly, they pretend, as if they are highly devotional and spiritual. In this process they visit Temples regularly, donate huge amounts of money to the Temples and the deities and perform ostensible spiritual rites.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Post analysis of Human Genealogy - DNA and Astrology

This is the post analysis about the Astrological relationship between human DNA, Astrology and a bit of Numerology.  After regular meetings and discussions with Shri Kanada Maharashi, I have become very silent always thinking, analyzing various discussions of various subjects discussed by the Maharshi. As I was meditating, I found very interesting information about the relationship between the astrology and the human DNA  connecting these two topics. The human DNA has 12 layers or divisions or can be called as 12 energies.  I am also trying to compartmentalize this knowledge, so that most of us who think still in the third dimension level would find it very easy to understand. Similarly, the natal chart ie.,Rashi Chakra astrology also has got 12 divisions or 12 houses. So, firstly, let me share my information about the DNA. Our spiritual journey starts with the first step or we start our journey from our house and then visit different places from our house, if we wish to call that way, so our journey starts from the house, i.e. from the first layer as far as the DNA is concerned.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Quantum Onion

On invitation during Easter holidays, I had gone to Subati Estates from Nairobi (Kenya) East Africa, and the Subati Estates are experts in floriculture, particularly of rose plants. They bought expertise from the Israelis. Each rose flower will be costing around one US dollar. All the Rose flowers are exported from Kenya to Holland which is the world market for the flowers.

From Naiwasha I had to cross to Nakuru and then reach Subati Estate, a little deeper inside from the national highway nearby the Equator. The Subati Estate has specialized in the growth of special rose flowers which stay fresh even for about 15 days after cutting it, from the rose plant. It is a very beautiful place with full of natural valleys, green lawns and huge trees and the temperature will be less than zero degrees Celsius.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Post Analysis on Human Genealogy

Human Genealogy by  Kanvadah  Maharishi :

Whenever I found some time away from my routine work. I always used to think and analyse the recent discussion I had with the Kanvada Maharishi about the astrology, solar system, about the predictions and most importantly about the magnetism and cosmic  magnetism and slowly I started understanding one by one.  When we keep our mind open and when we think and when we ask questions we will be definitely getting the answers from the cosmos, because cosmos  which is Akash, it keeps the records called as Akashik records  in the spiritual science and it is  just like encyclopedia and whatever you ask sincerely and if your intent is very strong , and if your interest is  deep and sincere, the energy of the information flows in, from the encyclopedia of the Akash .This is how I have been able to  solve the big conundrums  by asking questions and getting the answers.

First of all I thought about the Magnetism. Basically the cosmic magnetism is designed for the communication, that’s what Maharishi told me, and it is very true. Whatever knowledge we gather out of our own experiences or from the books, from the lectures, from any other different sources, or some times by intuition.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Mother, Tell me a story

అది వేసవి కాలం. పరిక్షలు అయిపోయి స్కూళ్ళకి సెలవులు ఇవ్వడంతో మా మామయ్య పిల్లలు, మా ముగ్గురు పిన్నుల పిల్లలు అందరూ కూడా యథాప్రకారంగా మా ఇంటికి వచ్చారు. మేమందరం ఈ ఎండాకాలం సెలవుల కోసం ఎదురు చూస్తుండే వాళ్ళం. అందరం కలిసి ఆటలేమిటీ, పాటలేమిటీ, నానా రకాల అల్లర్లు చేస్తు౦డేవాళ్ళం. రాత్రిపూట ఆరు బయట మా అమ్మ చుట్టూ కూర్చుని కథలు వినడం మా అందరికీ చాలా ఇష్టంగా ఉండేది. ఎన్నో రక రకాల కథలు చెప్తుండేది. మా అమ్మ కథలు చెప్పడ౦లో నేర్పరి. చాలా ఆసక్తికరంగా చెప్తుండేది. మేమంతా ఎదురు చూస్తున్న రాత్రి వచ్చింది. మేమందరం యథాప్రకారంగా ఆరుబయట వేప చెట్టునుండి వీచే చల్లటి గాలిని ఆహ్లాదిస్తూ  “అమ్మా ! ఒక కథ చెప్పు” అంటూ చుట్టూ చేరాం. “ఎన్నికథలు చెప్పాల్రా మీకు? నాకు రావు పొండి ! హాయిగా పడుకోండి” అని అంది. అమ్మా, అత్తయ్యా , పెద్దమ్మాకథ చెప్పు  అంటూ అందరం  గొడవ చేస్తే. “ఎగ దీస్తే బ్రహ్మ హత్య, దిగ దీస్తే గోహత్య”  అని అంది. అమ్మా ! ఏమిటది చెప్పవా అంటూ అందరం వెంట పడడంతో ఈ కథ చెప్పడం మొదలుపెట్టింది.