After narrating the story of the Quantum Onion, Maharshi with a resplendent smile looked
at me and said, “Lahiri, make a post analysis for the benefit of those
people, who could not understand the deeper meaning of this story.”
His radiant form disappeared slowly with these parting words. I was indeed surprised and was happy
after listening to the story of the Onions. The enlightened Seer explained
such a complex matter in a simple way. But yet, I do want to elucidate
the deeper meaning of the story for the benefit of those who did not comprehend
the essence of it.
Most of the human beings, who are
still in the 3rd dimension, never try to evolve spiritually. For them,
the purpose of life is earning money and to enjoy all the materialistic
pleasures and luxuries of this world like possessing beautiful houses,
farm houses, having wet parties regularly engrossing in sensual
pleasures etc.,. But outwardly, they pretend, as if they are highly
devotional and spiritual. In this process they visit Temples regularly,
donate huge amounts of money to the Temples and the deities and
perform ostensible spiritual rites.