Human Genealogy by Kanvadah
Maharishi :
Whenever I found some time away from my
routine work. I always used to think and analyse the recent discussion I had
with the Kanvada Maharishi about the astrology, solar system, about the
predictions and most importantly about the magnetism and cosmic magnetism
and slowly I started understanding one by one. When we keep our mind open
and when we think and when we ask questions we will be definitely getting the
answers from the cosmos, because cosmos which is Akash, it keeps the
records called as Akashik records in the spiritual science and it
is just like encyclopedia and whatever you ask sincerely and if your
intent is very strong , and if your interest is deep and sincere, the
energy of the information flows in, from the encyclopedia of the Akash .This is
how I have been able to solve the big conundrums by asking
questions and getting the answers.
First of all I thought about the
Magnetism. Basically the cosmic magnetism is designed for the communication,
that’s what Maharishi told me, and it is very true. Whatever knowledge we
gather out of our own experiences or from the books, from the lectures, from
any other different sources, or some times by intuition.
Everything is recorded in our memory in
the Aakasha tatva which Kanvadah Maharishi had already discussed about
the empty spaces between the nucleus, protons and the electrons is filled with
the energy of information. If you revise that you will understand that all the
information is stored as data in the Akashik record which is again
magnetic in nature and it remains in the Akashik record in the form of
light. It is also in the form of thought.
When we try to explain there will be
movement in this energy, the information which is filled in the Akashik Tatva
opens up and then it comes out in the form of sound. It follows the
sequence, Paraa (transcendental consciousness), Pashyanti (intellectual),
Madhyama (mental consciousness) and the Vaikhari (physical consciousness)
and finally vaikhari is vaakk. (Our ability to experience different
levels depends upon the elevation of our consciousness .(Refer sripada
srivallabha charitaamrutam by Prasanna kumara chapter 41 in Telugu and English)
Vaakk is the manifestation of our thought of sound. when the sound is
organized in different ways then it forms a language that is how many languages
have come into existence.
Then I realized that even the words
are magnetic in nature. Just as a “thought is magnetic in
nature”. Whether you speak out or you don’t speak out still it is in the
form of thought which is not expressed out wardly. Still inductance takes
place. Words are magnetic and when we address there will be reactions in the
listeners. That is how communication is very important. If the
communication is not there the evolutionary process will not exists at all and
the communication is always two way process .When my words are influencing the
other human being’s magnetic field, they react either positively or negatively.
In olden days our ancients used to have
intangible devices like telepathy. They used to sit somewhere and they used to
send waves of thoughts addressing a person and the person used to get the
message, and used to follow the instructions. That knowledge was in the higher
dimension and now the man has invented the electrical devices, electronic
devices like computers, cell phones, like other equipment and they get
information from the Akashik record and then they communicate with either
with a single person or at the same time he can communicate with the
lakhs of people. Hence I have to agree that the magnetism plays an important
role in the evolution of the human beings, entire world and entire universe
.The stronger the magnetic field of the human being influences effectively and
instantly a much less stronger field of another human being.
To illustrate this in the form of the story, I have to refer to the “An autobiography of Yogi”. Where Yukteswar Giri the guru of Paramahamsa Yogananda had an ashram in Puri.
One evening he went out for a short
walk along with his disciples and one of them was Paramahamsa
Yogananda himself was called as Mukunda when he was still a student of
Yukteswar Giri. After walking some distance Yukteswar Giri asked very casually
“Mukunda, did you close the kitchen door ? Because it was the responsibility of
Mukunda to take care of the kitchen. Mukunda replied "Sir I have not
closed the door". Then Master asked him "Why you didn’t close the
door? Is it not your responsibility to do so ?", then Mukund
replied, “Sir, our ashram is situated in the remote place and what would
be there in the for the people to come and steal and that is the reason, I have
not closed the door. Further God is there he will look after. Yukteswar Giri
did not say anything, he smiled and after sometime, he addressed the group of
disciples and said,“Look at that man”.
When they looked at that man who looked
like a villager was going perhaps to his home in a different direction other
than the ashram. While all the disciples were watching that human
being attentively he suddenly stopped as he woke up from a deep sleep,
he was undecided for a fraction of second and changed his direction and
started walking towards the ashram of Yukteswar Giri and slowly he became
invisible After some time when they saw him, with cauliflowers in
his hand and he walked away. He entered the kitchen from the back door of the
ashram and stole the cauliflowers. By seeing this, the disciples were
surprised and amazed at this incident .Then Yukteswar Swamy smilingly and
effectively addressed "Mukunda, Mukunda ! Did you see what
happened now? What you are supposed to do, whatever is your responsibility you
need to do it. Don’t hand over your responsibilities like even taking care of
the kitchen door to almighty God. Don’t increase his burden”.
From this what I would conclude that
master Yukteshwar Giri's magnetic field must be very much stronger and he might
have sent his thoughts in the form of electrical wave or electronic
magnetic wave addressing that farmer who received the instructions and the
suggestions and accordingly he followed the instructions. So once again here
the magnetic fields are involved i.e. .. even from a long distance also. The
people who have concurred the time and space, can influence the magnetic field
of the other human beings. And of course ! I had also given some information regarding
this, some experiments done with the help of Kirlins camera which I have
written in “The Spiritual Soup” of this web-site. Those who are interested can
refer to the spiritual soup .
Then I went on thinking deeply then I
realized even the air, the breeze is also a kind of magnetic force and that is
the reason when the little children are injured immediately very soothingly we
talk to the child and we start breathing passing out the breath passing our
warm breath at the injured part saying mentally and verbally “Baby, you will be
alright and your pain will go away” and there Is the science behind this. What
I am trying to do is that, when the baby is injured the magnetic field around
the injured part is affected. May be there is a leak and the energy is going
out from the injured place. When I started applying my warm breath the vital
force which is nothing but bio-electro-magnetic force and also verbally giving
suggestions to the child, definitely the healing will take place. And if it is
not out of place to mention, this is my personal experience, as a healer.
As a healer I will give real life
experience how the magnetic fields are effected or the magnetic force of one
persons acts on the other person. While I was at Dar-e-Salem, Capital city of
Tanzania, one day at midnight my friend Mr Dilip came to my home holding the
hand of his daughter Ajitha, aged about 8 years weeping and crying and she was
in lot of agony and pain. when I inquired what had happened, then Dilip
narrated. They came from a party at night and while closing the back door of
the car, his wife has not noticed Ajitha’s hand in the space between the doors.
And suddenly the door was closed with a bang. By doing so, Ajitha got hurt her
first finger. Ajitha was in great pain and was crying. There was lot of
swelling. I made her sit and was speaking to her in soothing voice and assuring
her that everything would be alright. I just started, with my fingers as if I
was taking her pain out and I was talking to her with a positive mind and
advising her to be cool. I spent around 45 minutes and they left. While going
back, Ajitha stopped crying and the next day morning Mr. Dilip informed me that
everything was alright.
I had personally gone and seen
that the blackish color on her thumb finger had disappeared and Ajitha was not
crying and was perfectly alright. This way we can quote lot of examples. That
is how the thoughts and words are very powerful.
Then I also remembered that in “Sripada
Sri Vallaba Charithartham” which is also very close to the spiritual science
cautions the human beings to be very careful when we are using the vaakk, the
speech or the words. In that there was a character Narsavadhanulu who was born as a
plant with lot of thorns because in his previous birth, he used to
criticize people with his harsh language and words. Hence, we should be
very careful while speaking, the way we use the words and dealing with people
or creatures.
Then, about the Astrology also I was
very much surprised, because, I also learnt Astrology but I have not taken it
as a profession and not studied the Astrology deeply but was having some
primitive knowledge about the subject. I really wondered about the
relationship between the Astrology and the DNA of the human beings and the
patterning on the Sun and lot of other very interesting things, I heard for
the first time and they sound very logical. I also realized why predictions are
failing. May be some other day I have to ask him about the human
consciousness which Maharshi always speaks about. I once again thought, it is
not only for me but for anybody who is asking questions, the cosmic
intelligence will answer and clarifies all such questions and doubts. Then I
was anxiously looking forward to meet the Maharshi once again who has
transformed my life and my life style and my way of thinking. “Oh Maharshi
! Thank you very much.
With these thoughts I slept peacefully.